, pub-6922766188292691, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Southeast Asia Travelling: August 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Pangandaran Beach is one of the leading tourist attraction

Additional one more tourist attraction south coast not far from the coast westward Parangtritis there is a tourist beach known as the Pangandaran coast. Pangandaran Beach is one of the leading tourist attraction and Ciamis regency of West Java Province. In fact, the area that are in the South Coast of Java is included in the agenda of visiting Indonesia in 2008. Therefore, local governments through the local Department of Tourism and Culture, continues to improve and equip various facilities Pangandaran beach resort.


Visitors can enjoy the scenery beautiful Pangandaran Beach and sloping expanse of dazzling white sand beaches. Two hills that flank the Pangandaran beach breeze softly making waves and ripples of the sea is relatively small, so that your visitors comfortable doing various activities, like swimming using tires, boating around the peninsula, fishing, relaxing on the beach, or simply absorb the natural beauty of tourist cottages numerous in the area. In addition, visitors can see the sunrise and sunset from the same place.