, pub-6922766188292691, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Southeast Asia Travelling

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Typical Food Semarang Indonesia

Each area must have their regional cuisine - do not miss each region also semarang If you visit this town do not miss to taste the local cuisine follows semarang bit much for you
semarang city regional cuisine

Rice cat

Rice cat (or in the Java language known as "sega kucing") is not a specific menus but more on how the presentation of rice packets which are found on the stalls angkringan. Named "rice cat" because it is presented in the portion of the (very) few, like the menu to feed a cat. Rice is a form of rice rames cat, with a variety of menu: dry tempeh, fried anchovies, sambal goreng, tripe, fish, intestines, heads or claws satay chicken and quail eggs, which formerly burned semangkin delicious if a bit before serving.

The rice is served can be both regular and rice crispy rice (nasi Uduk) and in the portion who are given a side dish of hot sauce a little pirate (chilli fried first) and a small piece of boiled fish fries. If his food company based hot drink ginger (ginger, chocolate, ginger, coffee, and ginger tea), then all the headaches - common colds will disappear by itself. In Solo, also known as Cat Warung Sego Hiik.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Semarang Indonesia's History Stories

I am very interested in the town of Semarang as my current residence where a safe, comfortable and quiet although not as busy as many of the other big cities but I am proud to be semarang semarang citizen for the fellow netters or anyone who did not know about history related to the following semarang I tried sharing the Your all easy - I hope we all can benefit.
Semarang is a city of one of the largest city in central java and also the city where the Japanese people's struggles against the famous Battle of five days immortalized with the establishment of monuments Tugu Muda Semarang.